Aviso legal

Datos del Prestador de Servicios

RocaJunyent_Grupo – EMHE Legal es un nombre comercial titularidad de EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.

  • Domicilio social: C/ Convento Santa Clara, 10-2º – 46002, Valencia
  • Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de la Provincia de Valencia, al Tomo 5810, folio 45, Hoja V54741, CIF B96605084)
  • Prestadora de servicios: EMHE LEGAL S.L.P.

Datos de comunicación

Para cualquier comunicación puede dirigirse, previa cita llamando al teléfono 96 394 43 66 y acudiendo a su cita en la dirección sita en Valencia, C/ Convento Santa Clara, nº 10-2º, o bien puede comunicarse directamente a través de la dirección de correo electrónico info@emhe.es.

Condiciones Generales

Condiciones que rigen la utilización del sitio web titularidad de EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. (https://www.emhe.es).

  1. El acceso y uso de las páginas web del sitio de EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. se rige por las presentes condiciones generales. A estos efectos, por sitio web se entiende no sólo las páginas web, sino las informaciones, contenidos y servicios que se ponen a disposición de quienes accedan al sitio. El acceso al sitio web de EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. implica aceptación de las presentes condiciones generales. En el caso de que para un determinado contenido (v.gr. informativo) o servicio (v.gr. enlaces de interés) se establezcan condiciones particulares, éstas serán preferentes a las presentes condiciones generales.
  2. Los contenidos del sitio web no pueden considerarse una oferta de servicios o propuesta de contratación para quien accede al mismo, así como tampoco su contenido debe considerarse asesoramiento jurídico o información para la toma de decisiones. El contenido procede de fuentes propias y ajenas. El objetivo es que sea de utilidad a los usuarios que acceden al sitio web, pero no garantiza la utilidad, por lo que el usuario asume que no debe tomar decisiones en base a sus contenidos sin un asesoramiento profesional.
  3. El acceso al sitio web se realiza, en todo caso, por cuenta y riesgo de quien accede al mismo. El acceso, en general, es libre y gratuito, salvo las páginas o servicios que se estén reservados a clientes, siendo en todo caso de cuenta del visitante la conexión a través de la red de comunicaciones. EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. no puede garantizar que el sitio web se encuentra libre de virus, por lo que ninguna responsabilidad asume por el hecho de su existencia y/o propagación. Debe tener en cuenta que la plataforma puede contener enlaces a sitios web u otros servicios pertenecientes a terceros, sin que ello suponga asumir responsabilidad por servicios y/o informaciones prestadas por terceros. El usuario debe, en todo caso, que examine las políticas de privacidad y avisos legales, así como política de cookies de estos terceros.
  4. Cualquier información facilitada a través de la página web, formularios de contacto o transmisión de documentos e información (p.e. currículum vitae), se realiza bajo su propia cuenta y riesgo. Una vez que hayamos recibido sus datos, utilizaremos los procedimientos y funciones de seguridad que se describen para evitar el acceso no autorizado. Con el envío de dicha información y/o documentación, usted consiente expresamente el almacenamiento de la misma así como el tratamiento y/o procesamiento para el fin al que va a ser destinada acorde a su utilidad.
  5. Quien pretenda establecer un sistema (hipervínculo o cualquier otro medio técnico) de enlace con el sitio web de EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. deberá recabar de esta última la autorización expresa y escrita. El enlace, autorizado o no, no implica relación alguna entre quien lo establece y EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. La autorización será siempre revocable.
  1. EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. no será responsable por la información o los contenidos a los que dirijan los enlaces del sitio web, o por la inclusión de directorios o instrumentos de búsqueda de contenidos, los cuales constituyen una mera facilidad y no una promoción de tales contenidos, sitios, buscadores o directorios con información, siendo de exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario el acceso a los mismos.
  1. La información o datos personales que puede recopilar, almacenar, tratar, usar y procesar el EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. se incorporan a un fichero y son los siguientes:
    1. La información que nos facilite al rellenar los formularios de nuestro sitio web, tales como: (a) su nombre y apellidos, dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono, curriculum vitae y los datos contenidos en el mismo; (b) el nombre y apellidos, y/o restantes datos personales de cualquier otra persona que facilite usted. Esta información será utilizada exclusivamente para atender la información o servicios que haya solicitado al facilitar dicha o servicios.
    2. Un registro de las comunicaciones que se intercambien con usted
    3. Datos de los servicios en los esté interesado y aquellos que contrate;
    4. Información acerca de si ha abierto o accedido a los contenidos de los correos electrónicos que le sean remitidos mediante nuestro dominio;
    5. Información que se obtenga mediante cookies. Le recomendamos que lea nuestra Política de Cookies si todavía no lo ha hecho. Esta información no necesariamente nos permite identificarle personalmente.


  • Convento Santa Clara 10-2º-3ª – 46002, Valencia
  • Teléfono: (34) 96 394 43 66
  • Email: info@emhe.es

Legal Advice

Information of the Service Provide

RocaJunyent_grupo – EMHE Legal is a trade mark of EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. (with registered address in Valencia, calle Convento Santa Clara 10-3º, registered in the Companies Registry of the Province of Valencia, Volume 5810, Folio 45, Page V54741,and whose Tax ID Codeis B96605084).

Contact Information

For all communications, please call 96 394 43 66 to make an appointment. All appointments will be held at Calle Convento Santa Clara, No. 10-2º, Valencia. Otherwise, you can communicate with us directly at  info@emhe.es.

General terms and conditions

Governing the use of EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’s website (https://www.emhe.es/).

  1. Access and use of web pages of EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’ssite are governed by these general terms and conditions. In this regard, “website” is understood to be not only the web pages, but also the information, content, and services made available to anyone accessing the site. Access to EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’swebsite implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions. In the event that particular conditions are established for a specific content (e.g., information content) or service (e.g., links of interest), those conditions will take preference over these general terms and conditions.
  2. The content of the website cannot be considered an offer of services or contract proposal for anyone accessing the website, and neither should it be considered legal advice or information based on which decisions are to be made. The content originates from both internal and external sources. The content is provided to be of use to the users accessing the website, however, it does not guarantees said usefulness, so users must not make any decisions based on its content without seeking professional advice.
  3. In any case, the website can be accessed at the expense and risk of the person accessing it. Access is generally open and free of charge, with the exception of pages or services reserved for clients, where connection through the communications network is at the expense of the visitor in any case. EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.cannot guarantee that the website is virus-free, so it will not assume any responsibility for the existence and spread of any virus. Please bear in mind that the platform may contain links to third party websites or services, without this in any way implying that EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. will be held liable for services and/or information provided by said third parties. The user must always carefully read the privacy policies, disclaimers, and cookie policy of these third parties.
  4. Any information you provide through the web page, contact forms, or transmission of documents and information (e.g., CV) is at your own expense and risk. Once we have received your information, the described security procedures and functions will be used to prevent unauthorized access. By sending said information and/or documentation, you are giving your express consent for them to be stored, treated, and/or processed for their intended purpose according to use.
  5. Any party intending to establish a system (hyperlink or any other technical means) for creating a link to EMHE LEGAL S.L.P.’swebsite must seek express written authorisation to do so. The link, authorised or not, does not imply any relationship whatsoever between the party establishing it and EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. The authorisation may be revoked at anytime.
  6. EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. shall not be held liable for the information or content of the links on the website, or for the inclusion of content search instruments or directories, which merely constitute a service and not a promotion of said content, sites, search engines, or directories with information, where access to such sources shall be the exclusive responsibility of the user.
  7. The information or personal data that EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. may compile, store, treat, use, and process is incorporated in a file which it jointly owns with EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. This information or personal data is as follows:
    1. The information provided to us when filling in forms found on our website, such as: (a) your name and surnames, e-mail address, telephone number, CV, and the information contained in the CV; (b) name and surnames, and/or other personal data of any other person that you may provide. This information will be usedwhen providing said servicesfor the sole purpose of dealing with the information or services you have requested.
    2. A record of the exchange of communications;
    3. Information about the services you are interested in and those you hired;
    4. Information as to whether the e-mail contents sent through our domain have been opened or accessed;
    5. Information obtained by means of cookies. Please you read our cookie policy if you have not done so. This information does not necessarily allow us to identify you personally.


  • Convento Santa Clara 10-2º-3ª – 46002, Valencia
  • Telephone No. (+34) 96 394 43 66
  • E-mail: info@emhe.es


Rechtliche Warnung

Information of the Service Provider

RocaJunyent_grupo – EMHE Legal is a trade mark of EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. (with registered address in Valencia, calle Convento Santa Clara 10-3º, registered in the Companies Registry of the Province of Valencia, Volume 5810, Folio 45, Page V54741,and whose Tax ID Codeis B96605084).

Contact Information

For all communications, please call 963532553 to make an appointment. All appointments will be held at Calle Convento Santa Clara, No. 10-2º, Valencia. Otherwise, you can communicate with us directly at info@emhe.es.

General terms and conditions

Governing the use of EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’s website (https://www.emhe.es/).

  1. Access and use of web pages of EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’ssite are governed by these general terms and conditions. In this regard, “website” is understood to be not only the web pages, but also the information, content, and services made available to anyone accessing the site. Access to EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’swebsite implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions. In the event that particular conditions are established for a specific content (e.g., information content) or service (e.g., links of interest), those conditions will take preference over these general terms and conditions.
  2. The content of the website cannot be considered an offer of services or contract proposal for anyone accessing the website, and neither should it be considered legal advice or information based on which decisions are to be made. The content originates from both internal and external sources. The content is provided to be of use to the users accessing the website, however, it does not guarantees said usefulness, so users must not make any decisions based on its content without seeking professional advice.
  3. In any case, the website can be accessed at the expense and risk of the person accessing it. Access is generally open and free of charge, with the exception of pages or services reserved for clients, where connection through the communications network is at the expense of the visitor in any case. EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.cannot guarantee that the website is virus-free, so it will not assume any responsibility for the existence and spread of any virus. Please bear in mind that the platform may contain links to third party websites or services, without this in any way implying that EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. will be held liable for services and/or information provided by said third parties. The user must always carefully read the privacy policies, disclaimers, and cookie policy of these third parties.
  4. Any information you provide through the web page, contact forms, or transmission of documents and information (e.g., CV) is at your own expense and risk. Once we have received your information, the described security procedures and functions will be used to prevent unauthorized access. By sending said information and/or documentation, you are giving your express consent for them to be stored, treated, and/or processed for their intended purpose according to use.
  5. Any party intending to establish a system (hyperlink or any other technical means) for creating a link to EMHE LEGAL S.L.P.’swebsite must seek express written authorisation to do so. The link, authorised or not, does not imply any relationship whatsoever between the party establishing it and EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. The authorisation may be revoked at anytime.
  6. EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. shall not be held liable for the information or content of the links on the website, or for the inclusion of content search instruments or directories, which merely constitute a service and not a promotion of said content, sites, search engines, or directories with information, where access to such sources shall be the exclusive responsibility of the user.
  7. The information or personal data that EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. may compile, store, treat, use, and process is incorporated in a file which it jointly owns with EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. This information or personal data is as follows:
    1. The information provided to us when filling in forms found on our website, such as: (a) your name and surnames, e-mail address, telephone number, CV, and the information contained in the CV; (b) name and surnames, and/or other personal data of any other person that you may provide. This information will be usedwhen providing said servicesfor the sole purpose of dealing with the information or services you have requested.
    2. A record of the exchange of communications;
    3. Information about the services you are interested in and those you hired;
    4. Information as to whether the e-mail contents sent through our domain have been opened or accessed;
    5. Information obtained by means of cookies. Please you read our cookie policy if you have not done so. This information does not necessarily allow us to identify you personally.


  • Convento Santa Clara 10-2º-3ª – 46002, Valencia
  • Telephone No. (+34) 96 394 43 66
  • E-mail: info@emhe.es

Rechtliche Warnung

Information of the Service Provider

RocaJunyent_grupo – EMHE Legal is a trade mark of EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. (with registered address in Valencia, calle Convento Santa Clara 10-3º, registered in the Companies Registry of the Province of Valencia, Volume 5810, Folio 45, Page V54741,and whose Tax ID Codeis B96605084).

Contact Information

For all communications, please call 963532553 to make an appointment. All appointments will be held at Calle Convento Santa Clara, No. 10-2º, Valencia. Otherwise, you can communicate with us directly at info@emhe.es.

General terms and conditions

Governing the use of EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’s website (https://www.emhe.es/).

  1. Access and use of web pages of EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’ssite are governed by these general terms and conditions. In this regard, “website” is understood to be not only the web pages, but also the information, content, and services made available to anyone accessing the site. Access to EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.’swebsite implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions. In the event that particular conditions are established for a specific content (e.g., information content) or service (e.g., links of interest), those conditions will take preference over these general terms and conditions.
  2. The content of the website cannot be considered an offer of services or contract proposal for anyone accessing the website, and neither should it be considered legal advice or information based on which decisions are to be made. The content originates from both internal and external sources. The content is provided to be of use to the users accessing the website, however, it does not guarantees said usefulness, so users must not make any decisions based on its content without seeking professional advice.
  3. In any case, the website can be accessed at the expense and risk of the person accessing it. Access is generally open and free of charge, with the exception of pages or services reserved for clients, where connection through the communications network is at the expense of the visitor in any case. EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P.cannot guarantee that the website is virus-free, so it will not assume any responsibility for the existence and spread of any virus. Please bear in mind that the platform may contain links to third party websites or services, without this in any way implying that EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. will be held liable for services and/or information provided by said third parties. The user must always carefully read the privacy policies, disclaimers, and cookie policy of these third parties.
  4. Any information you provide through the web page, contact forms, or transmission of documents and information (e.g., CV) is at your own expense and risk. Once we have received your information, the described security procedures and functions will be used to prevent unauthorized access. By sending said information and/or documentation, you are giving your express consent for them to be stored, treated, and/or processed for their intended purpose according to use.
  5. Any party intending to establish a system (hyperlink or any other technical means) for creating a link to EMHE LEGAL S.L.P.’swebsite must seek express written authorisation to do so. The link, authorised or not, does not imply any relationship whatsoever between the party establishing it and EMHE LEGAL, S.L.P. The authorisation may be revoked at anytime.
  6. EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. shall not be held liable for the information or content of the links on the website, or for the inclusion of content search instruments or directories, which merely constitute a service and not a promotion of said content, sites, search engines, or directories with information, where access to such sources shall be the exclusive responsibility of the user.
  7. The information or personal data that EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. may compile, store, treat, use, and process is incorporated in a file which it jointly owns with EMHE LEGAL S.L.P. This information or personal data is as follows:
    1. The information provided to us when filling in forms found on our website, such as: (a) your name and surnames, e-mail address, telephone number, CV, and the information contained in the CV; (b) name and surnames, and/or other personal data of any other person that you may provide. This information will be usedwhen providing said servicesfor the sole purpose of dealing with the information or services you have requested.
    2. A record of the exchange of communications;
    3. Information about the services you are interested in and those you hired;
    4. Information as to whether the e-mail contents sent through our domain have been opened or accessed;
    5. Information obtained by means of cookies. Please you read our cookie policy if you have not done so. This information does not necessarily allow us to identify you personally.


  • Convento Santa Clara 10-2º-3ª – 46002, Valencia
  • Telephone No. (+34) 96 394 43 66
  • E-mail: info@emhe.es